Representing Public Safety Officers
LAAPOA represents the sworn police officers of the Los Angeles Airport Police, the Los Angeles Municipal Police and the Los Angeles Park Rangers assigned to protect and serve Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Van Nuys Airport (VNY) and the city of Los Angeles. Read More
Ensuring Airport Security
Officers assigned to LAX are responsible for the safety of over 80 million passengers per year.
Emergency Services Unit
Specialized units at LAX include ESU, which guards against threats, conducts tactical training, and provides rapid response to critical incidents.
Los Angeles Municipal Police
LAAPOA members include the Municipal Police Officers (MPOs) assigned to protect and serve the city of Los Angeles. LAAPOA recently successfully advocated for two MPOs to fill vacant Senior Lead Officer positions.
Providing Member Services
In addition to acting as a bargaining unit, LAAPOA offers its members insurance benefits, political advocacy, legal representation, public relations and many other resources. Read More
Dignitary Protection Unit
When world leaders travel to and from LAX, the important role of facilitating their safe and efficient transit through the airport is handled by the specialized officers of the DPU.
Supporting Our Community
Through its charitable organization, the Los Angeles Airport Police Athletics & Activities League (LAAPAAL), LAAPOA supports community events and athletics, fallen officer funds and a scholarship program. Read More
Los Angeles Park Rangers
LAAPOA members include Los Angeles Park Rangers who provide emergency medical services, law enforcement and wildland firefighting in the open space parks and throughout the city of Los Angeles.
Advocating for Our Members
LAAPOA’s mission is to maintain a leadership role in organizing, empowering and representing the interests of its active and retired members. Read More
Speaking Up for Law Enforcement
Through its public relations and social media efforts, LAAPOA educates the community about the unique challenges facing first responders on the job and the legislation that affects their work. Read More