Sponsorship Opportunities 2024

Thank you in advance for your support. We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact our Sponsorship Coordinators Ashley Cardoza at 310-560-1946, or Ruth Delgado at 310-954-6849, or via email at wconference@laapoa.com for more information to sign up as a sponsor.

2024 LAAPOA Women’s Conference Sponsorship Levels:

PLATINUM - $1,300

  • 2 Tickets include continental breakfast & lunch
  • Full page AD & listing in conference program
  • Speak for 5 minutes during the conference
  • Vendor table - Premier location
  • Listed in all flyers & social media AD on LAAPOA website with link to business from October until 2025

GOLD - $950

  • 1 Ticket-includes continental breakfast & lunch
  • Listing in conference program
  • Acknowledgement at beginning of conference
  • Vendor table-In the check in area
  • Listed in all flyers & social media. 45-day AD on LAAPOA website with link to business

SILVER - $700

  • 1 Ticket includes continental breakfast and lunch
  • Listing in conference program
  • Acknowledgement at the beginning of conference
  • Listed in all flyers & social media. 15-day AD on LAAPOA website with link to business

 BRONZE - $300

  • Listing in conference program
  • Acknowledgement at the beginning of conference
  • Listed in all flyers & social media
Sponsorship Package(Required)
Please choose your package from the list below:
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