Be the Change: Join Us at the 2024 LAAPOA Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference

LAAPOA is proud to continue our tradition of promoting the personal and professional development of law enforcement members and the community at large with our fourth annual Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference, taking place on Thursday, October 17. The event will feature insightful presentations led by new and returning industry experts, along with networking and mentorship opportunities, vendors, raffles and giveaways, all at a new and unexpected venue — a private hangar at Los Angeles International Airport.

“Our planning committee wanted to keep it close to home and share with others the experience of being inside of a hangar, close to the planes and the airfield — not your usual venue choice for a conference,” Women’s Conference Planning Committee Chair Alejandra Garay explains. “We thought it would be an opportunity to give the guests an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the airport and create a memorable experience.”

This year’s conference will be guided by the theme “Be the Change,” which Garay shares was inspired by the work of the LAAPOA members who help make this event possible. “As a small committee, we realized that by taking on the annual planning of such an empowering conference, we are not simply preaching a message of leadership and self-growth; we are being the change.

“Our conference is about leadership and empowering our guests, and this type of event is so important because it creates a safe and comfortable environment where law enforcement personnel can network, share experiences and learn from one another in hopes of making not only ourselves better, but also our departments,” she continues. “The theme ‘Be the Change’ is applicable in every aspect of our lives, as the change begins with us, the individual, and then we can be the change we want to see in our respective departments.”

The theme will be explored by a group of speakers who were hand-selected by the committee based on their triumphs and struggles and for the work they’ve done to effect change in their respective fields and in the lives of their colleagues and the people they serve. LAXPD Captain Karla Rodriguez, a speaker at last year’s event, was tapped to serve as the master of ceremonies and will lead the conference through its lineup of speakers, who include:

  • Mark Benavides, a financial advisor with 911 Financial Services
  • Ann Carrizales, a police officer with the Meadows Place, Texas, Police Department, Marine Corps veteran and motivational speaker, who has survived two officer-involved shootings
  • Judith Estrada, a District Attorney Inspector III for Santa Barbara County
  • Stephanie Kiesow, a public safety advocate, speaker, best-selling author and retired UC Santa Barbara Police officer
  • Phlunté Riddle, Psy.D., a retired Pasadena Police lieutenant, former state Senate candidate, and leadership and training consultant

Each speaker will educate, inspire and motivate guests to be the best version of themselves, while sharing their unique career experiences and covering subjects ranging from mental health to financial wellness. “By shedding light on these topics, the committee hopes that the attendees will feel emboldened to share with others in their personal and professional lives about mental health and financial wellness and to be the change by being open to speak on these topics without it feeling taboo,” Garay says.

In addition to the speaker presentations, attendees will be given ample opportunities to connect with and empower others in their field. “This conference is a day of remembering how far women in law enforcement have come and looking forward to the future. The conference creates camaraderie, and it allows attendees to network and build their resources,” Garay shares. “It is a day that unites women in law enforcement from different ranks and departments; it is a day where we can all feel as one and feel proud of the accomplishments we have achieved.”

While empowering women is the primary goal of the event, the conference is not only open to women. Men are invited and encouraged to attend, as the stories shared are meant to inspire everyone, regardless of gender. “In fact, it is important that our male partners attend so that they have a better understanding of the challenges that are specific to women,” Garay explains. “This creates a stronger bond, which is especially important in a career where our lives are often dependent on each other.”

For more details about the 2024 Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference and to register, visit