Press Release

American Alliance of Airport Police Officers

AAAPO Commends Capitol Police Response in Shooting

Today’s tragic shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, involving members of Congress, law enforcement and others practicing for an upcoming bipartisan congressional baseball game, highlights the bravery and heroism of the Capitol Police who were on site and engaged the shooter. These brave officers saved countless lives due to their quick action and courageousness.

“We go to Washington, D.C., frequently and we know Capitol Police officers. They ran into the line of fire to stop further bloodshed today,” said Paul Nunziato, president of the Port Authority Police Benevolent Association and co-founder of AAAPO. “Had they not been there and responded like they did, who knows how much more tragic this could have been. We thank our brothers and sisters in blue for their work and wish them well in their recoveries.”

“While we always hope incidents like today’s do not occur, they do,” said Marshall McClain, president of the Los Angeles Airport Peace Officers Association and co-founder of AAAPO. “We are proud to share a fellowship with these officers today; it shines a light on the best of our profession. Our thoughts and prayers go to all of the injured and their loved ones, and we wish them a speedy recuperation.”